Monday, August 31, 2009

A fun weekend for Megsie in Tahoe

I just had to steal this darling photo for my own blog. Yet another friend of Megs turned 15. They relaxed for the a night up in Tahoe at their family's place. I love seeing my only girl with her girlfriends! Having no sisters is a bummer but having great friends really makes her happy. She just beams! I just want to tickle those toes! They played spoons, apples to apples, stayed up until 4am and she even lost her voice! Definately a fun girl time away from the pressures of tennis, school, church & home. (ps her sweet brother Jon and I tie dyed her 2 t-shirts for the school decades dance at her request. Sophomores have the 60s and she wanted to go in tie dye style--she skipped the dance and opted for a fun girls overnighter instead!. At least she wore the shirts anyway! of course she said, mom I'm so sorry, I promise I'll wear them--and she did!)

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